Monday, July 24, 2006

Vermont Weekend

Words cannot express the contentment I'm feeling today. Despite the plethora of sleep I'm longing for, this past weekend was a memorable one indeed. Shawn and I spent the weekend in Vermont, exploring Stowe, Shelbourne, Fairfax, Cambridge, Jeffersonville, Waterbury and the Kingsland Bay State Park at Lake Champlain. Our reason for traveling was to celebrate Shawn's friend's Kathy and Dillon's wedding celebration. It turns out it was more of the aftermath (a celebration of the couple coming together). They were actually married in Mexico so this was for the friends and family who couldn't travel internationally. :-) It was fun spending time with Shawn's veterinarian buds while taking in the beauty of Vermont. A couple of our events included visiting the Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream factory (with guided tour), visiting the Vermont Teddy Bear company(with guided tour), staying in a B&B in Stowe, VT (so wonderful), Eating a maple creamee (equivalent to soft serve maple yogurt), taking a boat ride on Lake Champlain across the NY Border (OMG..AMAZING), & seeing the Mozart Festival outdoors at the Von Trapp Family Lodge (The Sound of Music). This little getaway marks the 6 month anniversary of Shawn and I which was a very sweet, romantic and sentimental adventure. I loved every minute and wish I was still there.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Haydn's First Birthday

This weekend, Shawn's nephew Haydn had his first birthday which was celebrated in New Milford. I decided to head over on Friday after work so that helping out for the party was convenient. I was the official videographer while Uncle Shawn took pictures. I believe there were roughly 40 people who attended from both Amanda's side (mother of Haydn) & Ryans (Father/Shawn's brother). We had a wonderful day filled with swimming, smiles and a happy little boy. Happy Birthday Haydn! :-)
In addition, I watched Shawn play with his softball with his league late Saturday afternoon. Sadly, they lost but Shawn played very well. :-) We headed back to NJ stopping at the White Manna, a little touch of burger heaven. It's kind of like White Castle but better!! :-) We delivered burgers to the family and then drank, played celebrity and midnight croquet (I actually won a game). The set up for croquet was hilarious.....there was a light in the backyard with an extension chord and tiki torches. Loved every minute of it!

Monday, July 10, 2006


This weekend (and the entire week for that matter) I was consumed by absolutely nothing. Well, that's not completely true. Shawn and I ventured to Boston (South End), spending time with Matt V. then escaped to a secluded part of New Hampshire where we stayed with friends & enjoyed the relaxation. Seriously, sleeping on a hammock surrounded by nature with the one you love is a little touch of heaven. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to have spent quality time with Shawn's friends David & Michael and to have experienced their gracious hospitality. The lodge was amazing, charming, classic, rustic, and filled with love. What a perfect vacation.
Happiness is slow dancing to "embraceable you" sung by Judy Garland and finding myself lost in the moment. I'm having the time of my life.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Alicia's Magic

A typical 4th of July celebration involves fireworks, explosions and excitement, however in Brooklyn, there were plenty of fireworks to be seen in Alicia's kitchen. I knew I was a lucky man when Alicia brought out homemade salsa. The entire preparation of the meal was Independence at it's best. We had leg of lamb, shrimp and scallops, mashed potatoes with aiola sauce, bean salad, two kinds of rice, shitake mushrooms, & steamed red cabbage & spinach accompanied by a glass of red wine. :-) Dessert was a scrumptious chocolate cake. :-) We were all happy if you can imagine. :-)

Monday, July 03, 2006

July Weekend

Shawn and I enjoyed a wonderful weekend on Fire Island in the Cherry Grove area, residing on Maryland Street. Uptown Express performed Saturday evening at the Chery Grove Theatre with Jacqueline Jonee and Sunday she invited us for brunch at her place. The weather was perfect!!! We both wished we could've stayed a bit longer.
Tonight we're seeing Madonna perform at Madison Square Garden. :-) It should be awesome!!

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